Italian Club EVP Clips
Italian Club, Ybor City EVP Clips
Italian Club EVP Clip No. 2

The investigator was asking, "are you touching me again? Turn the light on if you are touching me again", when a  disembodied voice began to respond...
Italian Club EVP Clip No. 4

The investigator is saying she is getting out the Ovilus and that it is just one more piece of equipment we use when a disembodied voice began to respond...

Italian Club EVP Clip No. 5

The investigator is saying we were going to bring you cigars but we forgot them so we apologize for that when a disembodied voice began to respond...

Italian Club EVP Clip No. 1

The investigator was talking about the batteries in their recorder dying after two short EVP sessions when a disembodied voice began to respond...
Italian Club EVP Clip No. 3

KWPS and WTMY Radio Show Hosts were questioning in English, Italian and Spanish when the flashlight was thrown from the chair onto the hardwood floor.

Italian Club EVP Clip No. 6

The investigator is asking do you mind that we are here asking you questions followed by a huge Gasp.

Italian Club
June 2011
Italian Club
June 2011
Italian Club
February 2012
Italian Club
February 2012
Italian Club
February 2012
Italian Club
February 2012
Thank you for visiting our Italian Club EVP Clips Webpage!
The L'Unione Italiana
(Italian Club) is located in the heart
of Ybor City at 1731 East Seventh Avenue
in Tampa, Florida.
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