Investigating A Haunted House
Performing a paranormal investigation on a haunted house and approaching the paranormal from a scientific perspective, is difficult due to lack of physical evidence. By definition paranormal is phenomena which falls outside of science’s current ability to explain or measure, and it is beyond the normal range of experiences and scientific explanations. Since it is beyond what is deemed scientifically possible, a phenomenon cannot be confirmed as paranormal activity by investigating a haunted house using the scientific method. Despite this problem a scientific approach is still taken on an investigation and every attempt is made to discard reported activity that is open to misinterpretation, misunderstanding, or of an anomalous deviation of some natural phenomena. Utilizing both advanced scientific equipment and state of the art software, we analyze evidence of the unexplained to solve a claim of paranormal activity within a reported haunted house by means of science and technology.
A parapsychology approach has become much more common in investigating phenomena in a haunted house and is based more on faith than science. A parapsychological investigation involves the use of mediumship and an array of extra-sensory abilities. These abilities can include messages coming through in the form of thoughts (clairaudience), images appearing in the mind (clairvoyance) , and the gift of feeling (clairsentience). This gift of feeling is also known as “empathic” and it may be a gut feeling, intuition, or an actual feeling of emotion coming through and often coincides with smells associated with the spirit, and this type of ability is known as “clairescence”.
By combining a scientific approach to investigating paranormal activity through the use of various cameras, EVP recorders, surveillance video, EMF detectors, motion sensors, and temperature gauges with a parapsychology approach through the use of an entire array of mediumship abilities to explore the spiritual, metaphysical, and psychological connections we are able to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. We can assess the situation, research it, investigate it, analyze it, and then resolve it in order to alleviate fear and misunderstanding of unknown events within a haunted house for our clients.
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By combining a scientific
approach to investigating paranormal activity with a parapsychology approach we
are able to bridge the gap
between science and spirituality
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